I’m 10 Months Old Today!

Boy, time flies! I’m 10 months old today and I’m cruisin’ around the house like a pro. I still don’t have any teeth 😦 But I can stand on my own for a few seconds at a time. So there’s that! These monthly photo shoots are getting harder and harder for mommy since I can hardly sit still! This month mom had Maisey join in on the action. I love Maisey!

I’m Nine Months Old Today!

Can you believe I’m 9 months old? Time flies! I’m speed crawling and pulling myself up on everything. I love hanging with my dog Maisey, she’s my best friend. I started a music with friends class and I LOVE it. Mommy got my ears pierced for me, I think I look adorable. Sadly, I still don’t have any teeth – so purees continue to be my jam. I’m starting to branch out a bit and expand my palate. I love spinach and potatoes AND lentils with rice (pureed, of course). I experiment with cantaloupe, strawberries, cucumbers, hummus, avocado and watermelon — but I don’t always like the feel of bits of food on my tongue.  It gives me the shivers!

I’m Six Months Old Today (well, yesterday, but who’s counting?)

I dropped the ball on posting Nora’s 6-month photo yesterday. Better late than never….
