6.29.16 – 24 Weeks, 4 Days

Huge hugs and kisses to all of you for the many, many messages of love and support. Your thoughts and prayers are working!

As I write this I’m listening to the baby’s heart beat glub glub on the monitor. It’s the best sound ever. I get fetal monitoring and contraction monitoring every four hours throughout the day. I’m on the monitors for an hour session each time. It’s a great activity that takes up four hours of my day and I just love hearing his little body moving around and his strong heart thumping away. Yay!

This morning I had an ultrasound done to check the stability of my cerclage and all looks good. The doctors were very happy with the way everything looked. They’ll check it again in a few weeks.

Our game plan remains unchanged. I’ll stay on hospital bed rest for the foreseeable future and will just cross fingers and toes that my body keeps responding to inactivity.

Onward and upward.


5 thoughts on “6.29.16 – 24 Weeks, 4 Days

  1. Thoughts and Prayers are with you during this time. Ugh, that PINK LEMONADE keeps creeping back. While it should be sweet, it is often too sour to taste. Luckily with a little vision, positive thoughts and help from family, friends and community it often turns out to be a gift from a higher power.

    Just take a look at those delicious pictures from Hawaii, they are bound to bring a smile to your face!

    Love, prayers and peace.

  2. So happy and proud of you my Princess to read your Post. We pray that all works out well for you & baby! Proud Grandpa. xoxo

    Sent from my iPhone


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